Law & Order: Canine goes AWOL

Law and dis-Order: This MP couldn't keep it together.
Law and dis-Order: This MP couldn’t keep it together.

Before his name was adopted as a long-running television series with a million spin-offs, there was G.I. Joe’s military police officer, Law & Order.

Despite his colorful vest and bright orange shirt, he was a pretty nice character, and one figure I enjoyed having.

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‘General’ Hawk flies again

General Hawk has fallen apart... but he doesn't seem too broken up about it.
General Hawk has fallen apart… but he doesn’t seem too broken up about it.

For me there was only ever really just one leader of G.I. Joe: Duke. Hawk was just some guy they created who I just barely acknowledged.

But that didn’t stop Hasbro from introducing someone over him. I don’t remember ever hearing of Hawk before he was released in this 1986 version.

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Psyche-Out holds on to his tiny antenna

Psyche-Out keeps it together.
Psyche-Out keeps it together.

Sure, it’s not one of the more grounded characters, but at least he’s held on to his parts.

In all honesty, I have no idea why I ever got Psyche-Out. He’s a bridge character. An early sign of the silly direction G.I. Joe was going in as it approached the 1990s. I rarely played with him.

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